How I Changed Cambodia (HICC)



What is Cambodia known for? Of course, Angkor Wat is what makes Cambodia a tourist site. Angkor Wat has always brought tourists to this magnificent country that people overlooked. That’s one of the reasons why an ecotourism project was created. 


The project was to create an ecotourism site in Preah Vihear province of Cambodia because the area was seen with high potentials and hopes that it’ll bring the community significant results. 


If you’re wondering what ecotourism is, it is a combination of two words: ecology and tourism. Ecology is the interactions between living organisms towards nature such as; humans, animals, etc… Tourism is the operation of holidays and vacations. Together it’s a tour that you’ll be interacting with nature and the community there. This type of tourism is intended to support the community and preserve natural resources and wildlife. 


Our aim was to help the KUI indigenous community in Preah Vihear province to create this ecotourism system because the village was seen with magnificent possibilities of developing the village into an ecotourism site. It was to help them make a better living and provide the villagers with more jobs opportunities such as; tour guides, cook, etc… Additionally, this ecotourism site will be another interesting tourism site that local tourists and international tourists would be interested in and would love to visit Cambodia.  


Tourists are usually complaining about how Cambodia has so much trash, but they haven’t seen it all. Having this ecotourism site will bring them to their senses that Cambodia is not all about trash or dirty sewage, but about the green environment that they don’t know of or realize that it exists. 

This seems like a small a project at first, however, if the ecotourism is actually created the impact is huge. We’ve already made an impact towards the community by spreading this ecotourism term and create a visual of how it’ll going to help themselve, their community and Cambodia. 


I believe that this project will continue to run smoothly and will reach the aim and we’ve all been working so hard to achieve it. This is not for our advantage, but for the individuals in the community, the whole community and Cambodia as well. I’m so proud of how far we’ve come and will create change for a better tomorrow. 


Khmer Literature Event


Have you ever attended or heard about any Khmer Literature Event? Students of the Liger Leadership Academy organized the first Khmer Literacture event at our campus for the purpose of promoting Cambodia’s culture and tradition.  It was a full day event that we needed to wear Cambodian traditional clothes. These traditional clothes also help define and show our identity as a Cambodian child as well. 


There were varieties of booths to look at on the event day, some are organized by our first cohort and some are organized by the second cohort such as; the Geography Book of Cambodia, Indigenous People of Cambodia, Humans of Cambodia, Khmer Poems competition, Khmer Debates, Public Speaking in Khmer, Story Writing competition, Khmer musics, Cambodian fishing styles, etc….


I participated in one of the booth’s activity, which is the debating booth. I have a team of four other Liger students against 5 other students from another school. We debated on the topic of “Should students wear uniforms or it’s their choice?”. My team was on the for team, so it was pretty easy to debate on that topic. I was very proud of everyone, including the against team. 

After participating in this Khmer Literature Event, I feel like schools in Cambodia really need to have this kind of event because we don’t usually create this kind of event and I believe that all Cambodians should participate in this type of event once a year or so, in order to promote our Cambodian culture. 

End The Year with Outdoor Leadership

Ending the school year with this Outdoor Leadership exploration is the best way to end it, no doubt. In this exploration, we study about the leadership roles when we are outdoors. Being a leader is not just so other people feared you, but it’s about how other people respect you and recognize you as a leader. A leader is not just someone who tells others their tasks or what they should be doing, but a leader should show and lead the way throughout for their teammates

Photo by: Cindy Liu

Some of the things we learned during this exploration are skills to save someone like doing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), checking if the victim is awake or responsive, checking for deformity of the patient, etc… I find it very useful and helpful to learn all these skills at a very young age because with these skills I could actually save a person’s life! We practice with different scenarios throughout the whole exploration and get comfortable doing it. In addition, we learned some of the survival skills while we are outdoors, particularly in the forest or jungle.

Photo by: Chornson Sum

In order to practice those skills we went on two trips; one was in Kirirom National Park and the other one was in Mondulkiri. My highlights from Kirirom trip was to see the heaven cliff. I don’t usually get impressed by things easily, but this heaven cliff sure looks like how it sounds like. It was beyond my expectations! It’s like the best place I’ve ever seen. I felt so much better after seeing the gorgeous view of the cliff after a super tiring, long, but chilling weather trek. I’m glad we camp there, but unfortunately, it’s a very short trip. I enjoy it a lot, especially seeing the sunrise in the early morning, including seeing the horn bills.

Photo by: Cindy Liu

My highlights from Mondulkiri was overcoming challenges as a whole team. It was very difficult to go to Mondulkiri at the end of May because it’s raining season and our tent ended up all soaked up, so does the clothes that we put there. Everyone shows a lot of caring and sharing for each other while facing this challenge and I love seeing that a lot! We showed a lot of flexibility and adaptation when we changed our plans around. After this struggling experience, we come to understand each other better and become better teammates. Plans might not always go accordingly, so you should always be ready for changes in plans! Even if we are facing the problem, we remain calm and help each other until the end, showing great loyalty to the whole team, not team, but more like a family. 

One of the challenge everyone faces during our second trip to Mondulkiri might be the trekking part because it was very slippery due to the rain. There were insects and bugs especially leeches all over the ground. It was very difficult for us to trek when the rocks were slippery and we need to be super careful so that we wouldn’t slip. We collaborate really well when it comes to the steep or slippery ground. We hold hands or give a hand to those who need to climb down or climb up, showing great teamwork, which I find very impressive. We alert each other if there are tree branches or obstacles along the way so that no one would get hurt. One of the best things I observed is how we as teammates encourage each other to push through the hard times they face, for example, some people are afraid of particular insects or bugs, but we didn’t blame them for that, besides we actually help them get out of their comfort zone and push through the struggle together, which results in positive consequences.

We also communicate really well with each other, especially while trekking. We have three signs that we could say out loud anytime we want. “Green light” means go/continue, “Yellow light” means to slow down and “Red light” means to pause/stop. Everyone was very open hearted, whenever anyone needs to stop or pause for water break or someone gets hurt. Talking about water break, we also assigned someone to be a water wizard. He/she needs to make sure that everyone is hydrated and tells them to drink water frequently. 

What I thought I could work towards to would be to be a better teammate and nature observer. What I meant by being a better teammate is that I should be better at encouraging and motivating others, like during this exploration trip, I could have encouraged my teammates to continue and push through the tiring trek together, but I didn’t do so. I would love to also openly help anyone in need, especially during the trip because we are at an unfamiliar place that could end up with a lot of struggles. The other thing I could improve on is being a nature observer. I could ask or let my curiosity goes wild about the natural environment. While I was trekking, I didn’t really think much about my surroundings. What I could have done better next time would be to ask questions about the nature around me such as; trees, plants, insects, bugs, wild animals, fruits, flowers, etc…


Newton’s Laws of Motion

Have you ever heard about Newton’s Laws of Motion? Well, we covered this lesson in our last round of the year. We studied each one of the laws and did experiments throughout the learning course. The lesson is not very difficult to learn itself, but it’s hard to understand without learning the key vocabulary in the lesson. Below is the list of vocabulary in all Newton’s Three Laws of Motion that you should know beforehand, in order to easily understand the content.


  • Newton: unit of force
  • Inertia: the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion
  • Force: an influence tending to change the motion
  • Unbalanced Force: force that causes a change in motion of an object
  • Acceleration: the rate of change in direction and speed
  • Momentum: the quantity of motion of a moving body
  • Velocity: the change in position, direction and mass of an object
  • Net Force: total force acting on an object
  • Mass: the quantity of an object


This is just a reminder that above are only some of the vocabularies that you might encounter while learning/reading about Newton’s Laws of Motion.

ខ្លីខ្លឹម ដោយ ខៀវ សុផាត

នេះជាការសង្ខេបបន្ដិចបន្ដួចនៃសៀវភៅ ខ្លីខ្លឹម ដោយ ខៀវ សុផាត


គោលបំណងៈ ឲ្យអ្នកអានយល់ដឹងពីជីវិតខ្លួនឯង ចេះជួយខ្លួនឯង  និងរិះរកមធ្យោបាយ ឲ្យយើងក្លាយជាពលរដ្ឋល្អក្នុងសង្គមជាតិ



  • បើយើងចង់ឲ្យជីវិតយើងរស់នៅដោយរលូន យើងគួរគប្បីមានផែនការឲ្យច្បាស់ លាស់ជាមុនសិន (ខ្ជះខ្ជាយ ពេលវេលា បើគ្មានផែនការច្បាស់លាស់)
  • ជីវិតយើង គួរតែមានបេសកកម្មជានិច្ច
  • បរាជ័យ ព្រោះមិនខិតខំធ្វើអំពើល្អបន្ដ
  • បើយើងមានចំណង់ នោះគឺជាសមិទ្ធផលជាមិនខាន


  • ការវិនិយោគលើខ្លួនឯងធ្វើឲ្យេជីវិតកាន់តែប្រសើរឡើង
  • ការចេះប្រើឱកាសធ្វើឲ្យជីវិតឆាប់ទទួលបានជោគជ័យ
  • ការធ្វើតែអំពើល្អនាំឲ្យជីវិតជួបតែរឿងល្អ
  • ខ្លួនឯងជាស្ថាបនិកនៃជីវិតខ្លួនឯង


  • បើចង់ឲ្យភ្លៀងធ្លាក់កុំខ្លាចផ្គរ
  • បើចង់លេងទឹកកុំខ្លាចទទឹកខ្លួន
  • បើចង់ប្ដូរវិថីជីវិតកុំខ្លាចភាពជូរចត់ពេលធ្វើដំណើរ
  • បើស្រឡាញ់អ្នកណាម្នាក់កុំទ្រាំមើលគេកើតទុក្ខ


  • យើងមិនអាចប្ដូរអតីតកាល តែយើងអាចប្ដូរអនាគត ចាប់ផ្ដើមពីពេលនេះទៅ
  • ជីវិតដូចជាសម្លកកូរ (ល្វីង ជូរ ចត់ គ្រប់រសជាតិ)


  • ធ្វើឲ្យគេបន្ដុះបង្អាប់មើលងាយជីវិតមិនសូវមានតម្លៃ
  • ការយល់ដឹងចង្អៀតចង្អល់ ធ្វើការងារមិនធ្លុះធ្លាយ
  • មានជម្ងឺច្រើន ព្រោះតែងព្រួយបារម្ភមិនឈប់


  • ធ្វើអ្វីធ្វើឲ្យអស់ពីកម្លាំងកាយចិត្ត កុំឲ្យមានវិប្បដិសារី


  • ចេះប្រើពេលវេលាឲ្យមានប្រយោជន៍បំផុត
  • បណ្ដុះនិស្ស័យ ក្នុងការអាន ដើម្បីបង្កើនសមត្ថភាពយល់ដឹង
  • ខិតខំធ្វើការងារគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង ពិសេសការងារដែលខ្លួនប៉ិនប្រសប់ ឬចូលចិត្ត
  • ព្យាយាមអត់ធ្មត់ធ្វើកិច្ចការតូចៗជាមុន ដើម្បីធ្វើកិច្ចការធំ
  • មានឆន្ទៈក្នុងការធ្វើអ្វីៗគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាងបើលូកដៃហើយ ត្រូវហ៊ានប្រយុទ្ធនឹងឧបសគ្គ


  • កម្លាំងចិត្ត និងស្មារតី គឺជាគ្រឿងការពារដ៏ពិសេសក្រៃលែង សម្រាប់មនុស្ស ដែល ធ្វើដំណើរលើវិថីជីវិត
  • កុំឲ្យអ្នកដទៃជាអ្នកកំណត់ជោគវាសនារបស់យើងឲ្យសោះ

គោលដៅពិត នៃការសម្រេចជោគវាសនារបស់អ្នកលើដងវិថីនៃជីវិត

  • អ្នកត្រូវយកគំនិតបង្កើតសមត្ថភាព
  • យកសមត្ថភាពបង្កើតលទ្ធភាព
  • យកលទ្ធភាពបង្កើតប្រាក់ចំណូល
  • យកប្រាក់ចំណូលបង្កើតសេចក្ដីសុខ
  • យកសេចក្ដីសុខបង្កើតសុភមង្គលក្នុងសង្គមគ្រួសារ។



  • ច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិបានចារថា ពោះដែលកំពុងឃ្លាន ត្រូវរកអាហារមកដាក់សិន មិនមែន ត្រូវស្ដាប់ពាក្យផ្អែមល្ហែមរបស់អ្នកណាម្នាក់ឡើយ
  • ភាពលោភលន់ និងភាពអាត្មានិយម ជារនាំងបាំងភ្នែកពីការដឹងខុសត្រូវ
  • នៅក្នុងសង្គមខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្ន អ្នកគិតថាគុណធម៌ជាចម្បង តែងត្រូវរងការលំបាក ដោយត្រូវហូបបាយ នឹងអំបិល ឯអ្នកដែលសង្វាតលុយ និងអំណាច តែងបាន ដូចចិត្ត

វិធីសាស្រ្ដ ដែលជាដំណោះស្រាយបញ្ហាខាងលើរួមមាន

  • ត្រូវមានអ្នក ដែលមានគំរូល្អបរិសុទ្ធ និងមានការលះបង់
  • ត្រូវជំរុញឲ្យមានការអប់រំ ផ្នែកគុណធម៌កម្រិតខ្ពស់ ដែលតម្រូវឲ្យមានការផ្សារ ភ្ជាប់ ជាមួយនឹងចំណេះដឹងផ្នែកចិត្តវិទ្យាព្រមទាំងសិល្ប៌វិធីល្អៗ។
  • គ្រប់ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ គឺមិនគួរសម្លឹងឃើញតែលុយមួយមុននោះទេ តែគេគួរ បង្ហាញឲ្យបានច្រើននូវអ្វីៗ ដែលមានប្រយោជន៍ដល់ការអប់រំ

Make the Most of Your Learning

As always, at the beginning of a round, there’s a theme provided. This theme might be one of the best theme I’ve had. It’s “Make the Most of Your Learning”! Normally, we would be provided a specific theme and is assigned by different tasks. This theme, however is different. We could actually plan our own schedule during the English literacy hour! We can plan our schedule however we want, as long as what we are doing are English literacy related. We will document our tasks everyday in class, write down the time we spent on the tasks, check if we complete the task and description of the task. The main purpose of this theme is for students to be able to gain independence in class and have ownership of their own literacy class. Students can also bring tasks from other classes that are related to English literacy to work. I find it very convenience because you have the freedom of choice to choose what you wanted to work on.


Although we get to do a lot of independent work, but once in a week or so, we have assigned work to do as well. One of the work we have to finish was the novel study. We are required to choose any novel and finish it. During that period of time, we need to also keep a vocabulary log for the novel and at the end of the round, we need to do a book review of the novel we read.


I chose to read a novel named “Diving Deep, Going Far”. It’s about how Cambodian women are fighting for their rights against discrimination, forced marriage, etc… The title of the book is actuallly inspired by a Khmer saying that said “Woman can’t dive deep or go far”, however this book will proof that the saying is wrong based on the women’s experience. I found it very motivating and empowering to read the book. The book displayed a lot about the society in reality, not just fictional, imagining book. The book was written from four different women perspectives, which show us different experiences of all four of them.


Another task we did during this independent time is How to be Happy Essay. Below is the final draft of “How to be Happy When You’re Running Low Financially”.


Three Steps on How to be Happy When You Run Low Financially


Struggling to stay positive when the latest iPhone released and you found 10 dollars in your wallet? If so, this is the right place for you. Some people might find it very difficult to stay positive and happy when you are broke, but this tutorial will make you realize that being happy is an easy thing if you do it the right way. Just a reminder for you not to forget or skip a step, because it might result in a different way. Without any further ado, let’s get to the steps.


Step 1: Recognize that you are rich in many ways

According to Cosmopolitan and Lifehacks, we should appreciate and feel great about our strengths, about what we are rich in. According to Michelle Kennedy Hogan, an explorer, editor, author of 15 books mentioned, “People who are actually wealthy (in cash) might act stressed and frazzled, proving that being rich with cash may not be the best thing for everyone.” To add on to what the quote said, being rich (in cash) doesn’t mean that you are rich in heart. It’s best if you are rich in heart, like showing the kindness, the friendliness and the enthusiasm in you. This shows proof that you actually feel a lot better when you have the traits of being a great person than being rich in cash without the richness in your heart. If you have the traits of generosity, hard-working, etc… in you, there’s no doubt that you’ll be surrounded with friends that are supportive.


Step 2: Keeping a list of things you spent on.

Now you should start keeping a list of everything you spent on, even the smallest thing like buying a cone of chocolate ice cream. Keep the list with you all the time, especially when you are outdoors because that’s usually when you spend money most. The list could be written in a book or a note on your phone. Just have a three columns list of the name of things you bought, its price and would you considered it as a need or a want. Below is an example:


Names Price Need or Want?
Teddy Bear $20 Want
Notebooks for different subjects $10 Need


Step 3: Avoid It!


Keeping a list like one above will help you to reflect and not overspend again. After having this list noted down for the whole week, then you should look back and reflect on how you managed your wants and needs, maybe you spent too much on buying things you want when it’s not even a need. Remember to look at this list weekly and never forget to use it effectively. By that, you should minimize your wants as much as possible. Limit yourself to use your money for needs only and you can award yourself once in a while if you’ve done well managing your wants and needs.

“A Day In Her Life”–Adobe After Effects Project

For the last round of the year, we were given a three weeks project to complete. It’s an independent project, where you have the option to learn something new that is related to multimedia or improve on a lesson that we’ve covered on.


I chose an Adobe program to work on called After Effects. After Effects (AE) is known for great visual effects, motion graphics, animations, etc… It’s usually used in film making, television production and a lot more. I already learn some of the basics of After Effects, which is why I really want to learn even more about this Adobe program. In addition, I love cool motion graphics and creating animations, so I wanted to include these components in my video.


I first learned the basics of this program from my best friend and it was very helpful. However, for this particular video, I need to learn something new by watching YouTube videos. It was pretty challenging to learn it by myself, especially when I need to execute the procedures at the same time I watched the video so that I won’t forget the steps. Sometimes I skipped a step, which ends up having me to redo the whole thing again. Even though I’m learning After Effects, I also need to film the videos that I need to edit too, so a big challenge was the camera quality. The camera I used wasn’t that high quality, which makes it hard for the video to look great, so while I was editing, I was trying to adjust the graphics and the quality of the original video, in order to make my final product look great. Another challenge I faced was that this program is perfect for creating cool motion graphics, but I actually used this Adobe program to edit my whole video, which causes a lot of glitches and slow down my editing a lot. There wasn’t quite a solution for it because it was close to my deadlines for this project, so I just bare with the problem.


I really enjoy learning this Adobe program because there’s always something new that I could learn. It helps me to go beyond my limitations because we can create cool effects with combinations of different things. As I mentioned, I could always learn something new in Adobe After Effects and I’m so proud of myself, whenever I learned new cool motion graphics.

Link to my  video:

What is Ecotourism?

Do you know what “Ecotourism” is? Well, if you don’t (even if you do know), this is a place, where you could find out more about ecotourism, a project that I was involved in for seven weeks.

Ecotourism comes from two different words, ecology and tourism. Ecology is part of biology, but in this case, it means living organisms or things related to nature or the environment. Tourism is the act of going on holidays or visiting fun places. Overall, it’s a tour, where you involve and participate in hands-on activities in a community, where you would be in a homestay and doing activities with the local people. An ecotour also includes interaction with the nature, like trekking, etc…


The goal of this project is to create an ecotourism in Bangkern Phal village, Romtum commune, Rovieng district, Preah Vihear province. It’s an indigenous community with about 800 people living there. They have a few hectares of forests as well, which is being preserve and destroy at the same time. Therefore, creating an ecotourism site there will bring more tourists there and people will start to preserve the forests the environment, also their indigenous culture and traditions.


In order to create an ecotourism site, there are so many different things we need to confirm and get done such as:

  • The community opinions (How do they feel about having an ecotourism site?)
  • The tourists interests (Are they willing to go, if we were to create one?)
  • The tour companies (If we create one, will they recommend the tourists to visit?)

Theses are just three main things we need to know, but there are tons more work to get done. For this round, we mainly focus on the market research and the community opinions. That should be the first thing to do as well, because if the community doesn’t agree or doesn’t want any tourists to visit their community, then the project is over and if the tourists aren’t interested, then the project is also over. That’s why these two questions are so important.


After interviewing about 250 tourists in Phnom Penh, more than 80% of them wanted to go. This data shows that this project might have a chance to go on and actually develop the place to be an ecotourism site. We also went on a field trip to the place that we’re planning to create the ecotourism site and they seem to be very happy and interested in this project. In addition, they are willing to help and make this project actually happened.


This round ends with a report, where we write what we did in this round. Next round will be another group of students, where they will study the feasibility of the location. We need to find out about the potentials of the place that we are going to create the ecotourism site, so that will be next round’s main goal. Finally, learning about ecotourism didn’t just teach me about ecotourism, but instead it taught me a whole lot different things like market research and business report proposal.


Acid Vs Base

Did you know that there are acid and base in your body? Well, now you know. You might not fully understand what acid and base would do to your body yet, but after reading this you’ll understand deeper.


When we talk pH, it’s basically just about acid and base mainly. The pH scale is between 0-14. Seven is the neutral, under seven is acidic and above seven is alkaline or base. Something that I learned in this round is that, you should never taste or smell anything you don’t know, especially when it comes to experimenting, because some chemicals might be harmful and it could cause other illnesses as well.


Acid and base could be defined by many ways. First of all, acid tastes sour and base tastes bitter, but never taste it without knowing what it is. Acid and base both conduct electricity, but acid produces positive charge, while base produces negative charge. There are many other properties of acid and base as well, like base is slippery. Let’s get back the first question about what acid and base do in your body. Acid is what is actually in your stomach. It helps to break down your food and when you have sickness, relating to your stomach, it might be because the acid in your stomach leaked. The role of the base in this case is just to balance out the acid in your body, because there shouldn’t be too much acid or too much base. Did you know that base is usually used for cleaning? Like soap?


There are a few ways to find out if something is acidic or alkaline. One of the way that we actually experiment was the red cabbage indicator, where we have different liquids and apply red cabbage indicator to the solution to find out if it’s acidic or alkaline. One other way that we learned was litmus. It is a piece of paper that will change color according to the level of pH something contains. The picture above already explains the color it might change to, regarding the level of pH.


This is just a little description about acid and base, but in class, we actually look at it in depth and try to understand and ask further questions to understand even better.

Need a Random Team Chooser Machine?

Have you ever played any Role-Playing Game (RPG)? One of the tasks in last few weeks of this round was to design my own RPG in Python programming language. This game that I’m working on is basically there are rooms and you need to choose to go within the four directions. This game is based on memory and luck, because the monster will stay in the same room, so your memory would be a definite help. To win, just avoid the monsters and have some required weapons in your inventory. Click here to play the actual game.

We always have struggles, while trying to achieve something. One of the challenge I had during this project was adding doors between rooms. I didn’t know how to add doors at first, so I tried different strategies to add doors between rooms. I actually tried to rewrite the code again, because maybe there’s something wrong with the syntax, but that was not the problem. My second attempt was to try to add details to the code, trying to let Python understands my code better, so besides just telling that the north to the living room is the kitchen, I added all four directions; what’s south to the living room, what’s east to the living room and what’s west to the living room. After I tried to run the code again, it worked! It’s always to add details while you do coding.

This is also one of the other project I worked one. It’s called the Team Chooser code club project. It’s like when you input names and want a totally random group, this link will definitely help you to do so. Just open the link and do the following steps:

1. Click on players.txt

2. Change the names in there and replace with any name you want

3. Click Run! (The play button on top)

How to Neaten Your Closet

The theme of this round’s literacy class is Happiness. It’s one of the best theme yet this year. I find it super interesting and wanting to learn more. During this seven weeks round, we did a lot of writings related to happiness. One of my favorite writing piece is the “How to”. It’s basically a piece, where you write steps of how to do something that you would do everyday. Mine was about “How to Neaten Your Closet”, so if you want to organize your closet, keep reading.

How to Neaten Your Closet


Materials: A closet and everything in your closet


Making everything is tidy and neat is one of the priority for many people and one of the messiest place in your house might be your closet, because it’s a place where you store all your hair ties (probably) hair combs, bags, books, and mostly almost everything. If you find yourself not organized, this tutorial will help you to make sure that your closet will look tidier and it’ll make you easy to find things in your closet, if you’ve ever needed to find a lost item in your closet.


Step 1: Take everything out of your closet and keep it in a big space

In order to make your closet neat and beautiful, you should always take everything out of the closet to actually know what are the things that are kept in there, probably for decades.


Step 2: Sort them by labels or just spread them in teams (read step 3 before do this step)

This step will help you to just know how many of the same or similar things you have in your closet and by having them in teams will make your closet even more tidy and beautiful. Also when you want to pick a pair of earrings, you can see more options in the same space, you don’t need to pour everything from your closet to find another pair.


Step 3: Choose a bunch of important clothes or uniforms to hang them up

If you are a student, you should always hang your uniforms up, because it’ll make your life easier, when you need to choose your uniform of the day. In general, putting your important clothes (party dresses, outgoing outfits, etc…) elsewhere would be time consuming, since you are a busy person (I bet you are one) you will need to choose very quickly and won’t have time to search through your closet.


Step 4: Fold your clothes into its type then put them back in your closet!

After hanging those important clothes, then you can start folding the clothes you already sorted out in Step 2. You can sort it out in different ways, I won’t be going into detail in this tutorial. Afterwards, just put them in your closet. Make sure that you pile them differently, not all over each other.


Step 5: Organize extra things

You should have extra things beside your clothes in your closet, obviously. If you do, you might want to have a section of your closet just for those things, such as; your bags, your jewelry, your hair accessories, etc… I suggest combine similar things like your jewelry with your hair accessories, since they are pretty much similar things. Also you could also have a book section with your bags, if there are space for them.


Note: If you find things that don’t go with other things in your closet, for example a cup or a teddy bear that your friend gave you, then you could have a section just for things that you don’t really know where it belongs, but always make sure to clean that random space area in your closet once a month or so, just to make sure they aren’t dump in your closet.