Etymology-English Literacy

Currently, we are focusing on studying etymology, which is very helpful and useful for English learners. We have a homework packet every week, in which we learned about the root words. We are only focusing on greek and latin words, also we have three new root words every week. Some of the root words we have learned are graph/gram, dict, scrib/scrip, aqua/aqu, mer/mar, bio, photo, phil etc… I really think studying these root words help me and everyone to know more vocabulary and could figure out the definition easily by just looking at the root words. We also have a little assessment related to the root words every Monday. In this class, we did a lot of discussion and the current one is about Poison. The morals of poison is for us to discriminate anyone, to be grateful, appreciative and not do the same as Harry, one of the character in the story that discriminates the doctor by calling him “ Litte Indian” and “ Dirty Little Hindu Sewer Rat”, which is very rude and disrespectful. This story is very descriptive of what was going on in the story and is very detailed.  

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